Friday, April 9, 2010

Desperate sugar addiction calls for desperate measures

I have no power over sugar. I know this, and yet, when faces with a tray of sugar cookies with sugar on top on the clearance table at Wal-mart, all reason went out the window and I bought them. This was Wedensday night. I ate about 3 that night, and yesterday I ate about 8. Today I filled the bag with water so I couldn't dig them out of the trash and eat them.  Gary said just throw them away, but I had to tell him I have been known to get them back out of the garbage can. Thus... the water. 

I guess it isn't really sugar that I am addicted to, since I have a bowl full of hershey's kisses, half dark half milk chocolate, and I am not haunted by them, I rarely eat more than one or two at a time and usually not everyday. So what is it about baked goods that draws me like a bee to a flower? I don't know but I have to think of most sugars as a poison to my body, and baked goods in particular.

So just for today, I will not eat anything baked.   I am having a taco salad for lunch ( I never made it to breakfast today) I got 4 crunchy tacos from Del Taco, the cheap .39 ones, so you know there isn't much meat, emptied out the guts into a bowl, added a whole tomato and some salsa and that is my lunch.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My food totals today

We went to the move program at VA yesterday and were weighed... I am now at 316.  They also gave us a food diary that is a pain, but I put in to spark then I can list it in the booklet.

Totals today are:\
Calories    1885
Protein       78
Carbs         241
Fiber          12
Fat              78

and 2190 steps.  I tried to go to the gym today, but it was closed because they were cleaning the carpets!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Maybe I shouldn't have a cheat day...

Today is my designated "cheat day" and frankly, all the crap I have eaten today makes me feel like the little kid that got to eat all the junk she wanted at the fair, and felt sick as a dog.  Having eaten so well this week, the hamburger I had for dinner was just a blob of fat in my stomach.  The cookies need to just get thrown out.

I am glad I start over tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I am thankful for my little birdie :)

I got a text today... No blog entry... I am thankful for those little reminders!  Today was a good day, It is 82 degrees outside !  I started my day with my strawberries, and an english muffin later in the morning with a tsp of peanut butter on each side, and a smear of sugarfree jam, but I think this jam is going in the garbage of Gary doesn't like it -just doesn't taste good to me.

At about 1 i had 3 pieces 1/4" x 1"x 1" of gouda cheese and a small 2oz bowl of whole grain goldfish. I was surprised when I read the package a serving is about 55 fish, and these little cups hold about 15 max. But a serving actually had 4 grams of protien.  I knew we were going to the movie today, and didt' want to eat a lot, but surprisingly I was satisfied.

the movie was good, We saw the Green Zone. It just brings closer the area where Gary jr was, and make me as a mother very glad my son is no longer there.  I had a half a nacho tray of unbuttered popcorn, ( there is a big orville reddenbacher sign saying no trans fats, but who really knows...) and I added a little ranch seaoning for flavor. and had a bottle of water.

after the movie we decided to go have Japaneese food.  I knew it wasn't Saturday, which is cheat day, but I didn't think I did too bad.  I started with miso soup, and they brought a tray with shrimp and vegetable tempura, teriyaki chicken, rice, 6 california rolls, and a salad with too much dressing!  Not bad for $8.95.  I finally tried a california roll, won't do that again!  But we brought the remainder home, I ate the salad next, and it did have more dressing than I would have put on it, I have to remember next time to get it on the side.  I ate one of the shrimp, then stripped the coating off the other one.  I ate the zucchini, carrot and half the eggplant. I only ate half the chicken and rice, and brought the rest home.  I was very full, and would have stopped eating earlier if I had been eating at home.  

I will try to only have a piece of fruit tonight, we ate at 4pm and at 6 I am still feeling full.

I have only walked about 2500 steps for both yesterday and today ( total 5000, ) But I am setting a goal of 3000 tomorrow, or 500 more than I have when I head to bed tonight.

Well, it is time to color some things for the cards that I am making, and I can't eat while doing it.  A good thing to keep my hands busy.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday, and it has been a good weekend!

I feel good about the weekend. On Saturday we had to be up at 5:30 to go to Natalie's Dance competition and there was no time for food. So after we watched her ( nodding off before her turn...) we had an hour before Harrison had his basketball double header and headed in search of a sit down meal. We found a restaurant up the street that we had a coupon for and I chose a chicken, avacado, mushroom and cheese omlet.  When it came it had 2 generous slices of munster cheese on top and looked wonderful, but large. I gave the edges to Zues, and took a bite, boy I do not like mushrooms, but they were easy to remove for the most part, and I gave those to Gary.  I peeled back the cheese to one side, and ate just bites of cheese with half the omlet. I kept hearing something my sister said once...  You have already paid for it whether you eat the whole thing or not" . So basically do I want to pay for it twice by eating more than makes me full?  I kept thinking of that as I ate. ( See, I DO listen LOL)  Eating it all because it was paid for is just plain dumb. The money is gone either way. I even left the deep fried hash browns - ok maybe they were oven fried the 2nd time, but I left them alone, I didn't even have 1.  I can't say I would have been so good if it had been red potatoes with onions, but that wouldn't have been so fattening either.

When we got home, we took a much needed nap, and so no mid-meal.  When we got up, I made a salad with the guts from some leftover tacos and an orange.

I had in the freezer a package of Edwards, Key Lime Pie, and knew I wouldn't throw it out, so I made a conscience choice to have a slice ( 330 calories, 16 gr fat, 11 of which were saturated, 33 gr of sugar and 4 gr protien.  I topped it with rasberries and enjoyed it.  There is one left, and yes, I will eat that the same way, but I also know I will not buy anymore. 

Today I got up at 9:30, a bit later than I want to be getting up, but with daylight savings time going into effect, i will get up earlier as the week progresses.  I started my morning with a half a glass of reservitrol, and an english muffin with sugar free jam. 

At 11:30 I had a dry bowl of cherrios for 70 calories, and a cup of cut strawberries, plain. Then went to church from 1-4pm.  When I got home, I had a salad, with tomatoes and a 1/4 c blue cheese crumbles, and a coke zero.

That is where I am in my day.... feeling good,